Since 2013 a multi-disciplinary team of conservation engineers, archaeologists and architects have been carrying out conservation works under National Monument Ministerial Consent 450.
One of the major conservations challenges was the consolidation of the East Tower. The overall stability of the ruins was a matter of concern considering the pronounced lean on the tower, extensive cracking, and surface erosion of the Dublin calp limestone. Following the removal of vegetation temporary propping was installed. The permanent solution was developed and implemented in the most recent works phase.
The unique design solution the team devised combined modern methods alongside traditional to conserved as much of the medieval fabric as possible. An honestly-expressed, functional concrete plate ties the three remaining walls together and a traditional lime-based shelter coat protects the vulnerable masonry. The visual impact is striking, clearly differentiating the new insertion from the original as well as being respectful of the historic setting.
At the Engineers Ireland Excellence Awards 2019, The Architects Department were proud to have received the Heritage and Conservation award for this innovative work on the Castle.